I literally hate everything
Ai can make these ?
Am I overreacting to the messages my mom (43 F) sent me (18 F) over a septum piercing?
Can anyone pick point this deepfake program?
Should I get braces or Invisalign in my mid-20s?
Am I being offered enough pay?
Night deposit at CFCU?
Venting about the struggle it takes to just get this medicine.
Is the surgery worth it?
Squirrel safe flea treatment?
Meet Vern
Anyone use childcare assistance?
Do you think medicaid will cover braces if my bad teeth are causing TMJ
This thing irritates me to no end
Judge Mark McGinnis
Braces have ruined my teeth
unpopular opinions
one day --> seven months
This seems like a high quote. Right? 13 y/o and about 3 years of braces estimated.
Falsey diagnosed?
Still can't chew
July 14th!! I will get my braces
This is All I See When I Picture Tharion
bite block thing fell off