more ships :)
I just finished a year long rp, genuinely crying rn
New feature?
I made an evolution tree of Spore cells
Which seat y'all got?
What, for you, Is the most annoying cliche in animation?
More maxis revamps!
Should I buy the new hunted blitz box
Would you like a remake of the Soul Eater anime?
POV: You're in the Shower
Didnt expect to 100% my warband in like 2 days, such good models
You DID bring the fire protection, right? Right? (anna anon)
What type of anime character do you find the most annoying. I’ll go first
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s revealed in the future that Rukia was a human Quincy before she died
First Mini of the Year!
Some terrain I’m working on
Guttersnipes Toff
Urban Terrain
Game no.3 Pilgrims vs Court
Repent, sinners!
Heretic Legion Warband Finished!
My poor rock.
Tried to do hell fire, may be should have gone lighter
Lopers (Loapers?). Haven't modeled or painted in almost a year. Feels good to finish something again!
How close did I get to the official art?