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Hot Take: From Zero is (slightly) better than Minutes to Midnight
[Other]What are your Roller Coaster Guilty Pleasures?
[Goliath], [SFOG] shines bright opening weekend with new paint.
What song?
Songs where each word is longer than the last
[Hossoland] Construction on their first coaster has begun!
[Other] Most underrated coaster model? [Rollin' Thunder]
Hint it’s not el toro
National Panda Day, March 16
What time can you enter alton towers
What’s your prediction for [Dollywood’s] New Coaster for 2026?
Who closed the door?
Today marks one year of [Maxx Force] having the strongest launch in the world
National Coconut Torte Day, March 13
Another Random RCDB Riddle-like Thingy
I hope this is harder
Underrated song on From Zero?
[Iron gwazi] Turns 3 years old!
Favorite Murr Moment?
What critically acclaimed movie did you not enjoy?