Gimme your headcanons for her
Hot Take: if Blitz decided to go with Striker, and the show started focusing on his (toxic) relationship with him, the show would've been way more interesting.
Watcher theories
I know I'm late to this but, was anyone else disappointed when they revealed Satans design?
I swear the ending is worth it
My Beginner Deck
Do people really take this game that seriously? 🤣
Thought to report some old drawings + some new ones, what y'all think ? :P
Soo how far can loona go before blitz finally snaps at her?
I was thinking of switching Magic Archer for mega minion, also, would u guys say this is a toxic deck?
hopping on the trend, what would you name this deck
I need 3 MORE people to dress up like this with me because this is PEAK
When they BM and celebrate early
How would you fix this card?
So I don't know if it's a hot take or not but I think glitz and glam are on the top 5 HOTTEST characters in the show, posting this to know what's the opinion about these Klown fish lol
Ori (Azura_Inalis)
Do you think Bee knows about this?
Put a face on inv :P
Watcher coming in 24 days ✨✨ :D ( btw is this rainworld art month thing from the actual devs ?)
Drew Scugs over pictures of my cats
For everyone thinking voting for 5 star drop is dumb
Holy f*** is that Artificer?1?1!1?1