DOG 💩 1st day Platinum Shopping
A profitable week at Seattle
How are Night Shifts for you all?
Clear is dead
Any prop 22/adjustment shoppers?
How Bad are the Batches below 4.7?
Where do you wait for offers at?
My first $300 day!
Christmas in spring?
No Costco drop
So this finally happened for me yesterday 🤑
How often do you guys get these unicorns?
How was everyone’s day today?
Shopper bled on my groceries
Is it busier than normal today?
Water boy!
Would u take it
New Costco Check-In
Thank you on behalf of all the suburban Karens.
Recession ??
500$ adjustments 😒😒
How to screenshot unicorn batches properly
Can someone explain please
When can we throw all the dang receipts away?
Can I get done 30 batches in 30 days?