3 years healed tattoo by Ivan Zagusta and Bloodyblacktattoo, made at Zaraza tattoo shop in Warsaw, PL
Wicked is a rediculous and over inflated movie..
Morbidly Obese “Healthcare” Providers
The Gall of Obese or Morbidly Obese “Healthcare” Providers
Did my tattoo take too long?
AITA for outing my bf’s misophonia to his family at dinner?
AITA when my ungrateful “finance” demands steak after I made him and our 5 kids baked pizza spaghetti catfish lunch meat salad
AITA for feeding my family a fish dinner while I eat steak and potatoes
Should I cancel my trip? (US Tourist)
Gross 🤮
roommate just reported me to the RA over nothing ??
AITA for 'gossiping' with my mum about my brother's fiance is potentially lying about giving birth?
He cheated on his gf...
AITA? Either I go to a convention and lose my gf forever or not go and resent her
Husbands ex should take MY kid away
AITA for wanting daughter and step daughter treated equally?
🚩Big Giant 🚩
When a woman says you are “gaslighting” her, 90% of the time, it means she just can’t take accountability for what she has actually done.
How Would You React?
24M About to Have a Huge Financial Change. How Would You React If I Wanted to Marry You but Had a Bold Idea?
Hates wife more than he loves his kids
AITA for not bothering to buy Christmas presents for my children who decided not to see me?
The truth is in the coments
My child has a bruise spot so the daycare called police. They took custody of her for 2 weeks.
AITA for being creepy to a couple?
AITA for trying to be friendly?
Ideas to fill this gap?
AITA for not attending my sister’s wedding because of her toxic behavior?
AITA for not giving my cat back to the breeder?
Nightmare wedding is back
Is anyone NOT walking back down the aisle after ceremony?
Who Had The Most Disappointing Return?
I 20M accidentally said the n-word in front of my african-american gf 21F, I know I’m so awful but please tell me in the comments that I’m not and it’s actually her fault!
I 20M accidentally said the n-word in front of my african-american gf 21F
AITA for thinking it's crazy for my boyfriend to say that he would break up with me if I gave another person CPR to save their life (mouth to mouth)? He said it's just a boundary of his and it would be fine for him to give CPR as he plans to be a doctor (but I can't).
my girlfriend‘s clovers are my clovers.
AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend over four leaf clovers??
The Projection
My (36F) Best Friend (35M) is in an abusive relationship but he moved away and I don’t know how to help him.