Some poems on my mind
Which book you've saved for later?
The Joker takes part in the Argentian protests against austerity in Buenos Aires yesterday.
Do you guys like classical music
These people are the biggest pussies in the world
Am I the only one who reads SLOW
Books/essays about hate
Comment je peut dire ''Fue ahi cuando la conoci''?
How are you supposed to even have "ambition" these days? Has it been reduced to just meaning "having rich parents"?
Why do most the guys here give off having soft hands
William Faulkner hates this one weird trick!
Franny & Zooey, J.D. Salinger
Tiger moms have got it right
This is the most painful video I’ve watched
Lacerating, pessimistic reads à la Bernhard
My 95-year-old grandad, Douglas Cook, playing Debussy’s Clair de Lune. A lifetime of music in his hands.
Interpretation of Holden
Against High Broderism - a review of the new Krasznahorkai
Remember when Emma Watson wore half a shirt to meet with Al Gore?
Oxford Guermantes Way Due Out January 2026
Some y'all hoes need to chill
finished good book syndrome
is it a middle-school level take to say shakespeare is the best english language writer of all time