Excerpt from next week's meeting LOL
PIMI/Q Wedding
So I talked to my dad...(PIMI) And don't know how to feel
Holy shit
Any exJWs here?
This weeks mid-week meeting part “Demonstrate Trust in Jehovah’s Organization” was torture to hear the comments!!! OMG the Kool-Aid is strong!!!!
getting told you'll have a "perfect body/mental state" in paradise?
Apparently full time service is required for your parent’s love
The Suppression of Natural Human Nature is Going to Be Our Downfall
Pooja Hedge
There should a lawsuit filed against them for this ridiculous advice. Prayer?? Really??! Just out on the public JW.org homepage. And what prompted this??
It's not easy being a JW
Mental health check!!!
I'm waking up HARD.
Anyone else here struggle with BPD?
This is a fucking cult. I lost my friend.
Snding nds 1st 100 upvte and comment yes I axtually snd someting special !! Add my tg: xjenfs
BPD+BPD relationship good idea?
Does anyone else often feel the need to have others feel bad for you?
Poetry....a bit of a vent.
i dont think i can do this anymore, i just wanna be loved
An epiphany
Does this count