Couldn’t resist sharing this gem…
Pregnant OOP gets angry at her boyfriend over bananas. Boyfriend winds up finding the post.
Sure, let’s bash someone enjoying a movie…🙄
I just won a fuel voucher on the radio & burst into tears on air
Should I stay or should I go?
Help me name my cat, it’s a boy. I love food names but am open to anything! :)
Can’t roll my eyes hard enough…🙄
Boss Babe alert
4 Steps to a Flawless Looking Face 💜
Does it drive anyone else crazy when they say “zero chemicals?” Our product does not contain any matter! Then what the heck am I paying for, a bottle?
Seems easy enough..🤔
What's a song that has brought you to tears?
Received a random friend request. Clicked the profile and this is the most recent post.
The delusion is great with this one
Wake my mother! It'll cost you!
Pruning a hedge
What has quarantine ruined for you?
Oh honey...
Guy buys Quail eggs from a supermarket and manages to get one to hatch
My quarantine birthday is going well.
No....just no.
We can only hope
Biggest statue in the world (182m) with Prime Minister of India for scale
Lost my patience with a Mary Kay Hun after she got my number from my SIL and couldn’t take a hint the first time 💕🦕
Chief Hun wearing 40 lbs of poonique...