Which types don't have a problem with having no purpose?
INFJs and Pseudoscience
What would you write as text to this picture?
Letting Go of the Illusion of Control
Health Level/Development for each Type
What’s my mbti?
I need some help
What’s your Enneagram and your Percy Jackson cabin?
What type am I?
What movies embody the INFJ personality?
Is it normal for ENTP to develop NI?
I can't see trueself of my INFJ wife as INTP.
I don't understand how we could be free.
Is life just working to survive?
The world owes you nothing. You are responsible for how you feel.
I stole this from a very kind ISFJ (Sorry there's no blank template)
How do I be less standoffish to guys I like (istp)
I took the cognitive functions test and am an intp with very high ni. Thoughts?
People really underestimate the power of tertiary Fe
Does anyone else struggle with using cognitive functions too much in their everyday life, where they can’t see people for who they truly are without typing them?
Are you proud of being an INFJ?
Typology Essentialized (Warning: Very Abstract)
I’ve always wondered what does the line “if everything was styrofoam, love would cost a dime” even mean?
INFJ's and Narcissism.
free will