Zelensky Remembered to Say Thanks to us on St. Patrick's day
Elon tweeted this. Elon is wolf
Pre-match Hype Thread
You still don't understand why people voted Trump
Lex deleted his tweet criticizing Zelensky, likely due to intense backlash. His mods (or he??) also deleted a post of the tweet with no other added context on his sub
New subreddit for Women of Ireland
Letter from former X employee admitting to election interference
Another angle: Elon Musk doing a Nazi salute twice
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Strange looking/sounding "drone" over LA
Well lads. It's happened!
Clear UFO footage? South wales
1 free ticket to “Miss May I” concert on 16th December if someone wants it
Found this building in Austria. Thought it looked familiar.
Trump Seizes on Walz's 'I'm Friends With School Shooters'
What term is overused or misused so much it's lost all its meaning?
Highest number of men in decade begin priesthood studies
The reflection of my drying rack in the tiles is what I see on walls after reading
Who is this fella on my coke?
Wings Punishment - Make him shave
What's a German song that every German recognizes?
New flag for the country
How much do you have in your Savings (25+)?
People who’ve survived fatal/extremely severe car wrecks, what was it like?
What is the best operating system for Tor?