The Pit King. 1st finished model for my Mordheim Warband
If you lot aren't careful with the Master of Executions memes...
I miss the Greater Possessed
Yakuza League character screens from the recently released Batman Ninja vs Yakuza League movie.
Will we lose cultists
True excess is realising that Infractors have both right AND left-handed bolt pistols
How likely do you think it is for the tau to be the big bad of 11th edition
[Theory] Next Kill Team Environment – Trench Raids
[Speculation] The way forward for 40k Chaos Daemons
Are hybrids an actual thing?
How welcome are non-space marine armies/players in your circles?
Kroot Lone Spear Kitbash
The Craftworld Eldar took no part in the birth of Slaanesh so why do they get blamed all the time for it?
[SolAux Unit Concept] Talaris Marker/Strike Sections
I want Blood Slaughterers back in 40k... no, the REAL Blood Slaughterers...
Ranting a bit about the ending of When Elegies Are Ashes
Khajit for CoS, what do you think of this idea?
The price of Eightbound
Iron hands kill team
I finished my first kitbashed chaos warhound for my beastmen warband!
If you're cold, they're cold. Give them pants.
Prediction: Daemons will be functionally absent from the game until Games Workshop releases separate kits for Daemons in AOS and 40k
After reading this, I just realised the wounds stat has to be a contender for most counter intuitive name in gaming history
A camel greeting his herder who was absent for a few days!