Dangerous Dames Day 23: Daenerys Targeryen
Happy launch day brothers ! Pink armor tutorial 🥳 (link in post/comments)
First person on the PLANET with 76% disability who managed to finish a marathon
My haul for Slaanesh
Balancw update not a single change.
Can I get some help identifying these thanks
That is one way to do it
Good fight
I'm so on the fence
Looking for ideas on how to weather it.
Best way to paint the rune carvings?!
brothers, is this a good case?
EC box set should I get?
When do the general releases take place?
Does anyone know what metallic colour this is?
Dangerous Dames Day 14: Olenna Tyrell
my first ever dry brine attempt
What trim/other colours would be best with this pink scheme?
Letting a steak rest
It's been an interesting week. Turns out I cannot be trusted with razorblades. Stubborn supports be damned 🥲
Has anyone here tired speed paints over metallic?
The perfect world
Tormentors, Plasma gun and Melta gun?
Anyone know good pinks for ec
Army colorscheme?