What plant is this?
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
Feeling exhausted
[Reboot] Recruiting for Debris: a guild designed for new and returning players
There’s a good chance someone has taken a different aisle after seeing you in the grocery store to avoid talking to you and you don’t even know about it.
Placing this here just in case anyone wanted to download it 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I monitored my HR during my PhD defense. (My HR the day before in blue, for reference!)
What is your high school crush doing now?
Someone thinking about her future
Has anyone actually overcame extremely low self esteem, if so, how?
You are given 300 million to make a movie but it HAS to bomb at the box office or else you die. What do you make?
I’m happy.
Our crazy boy, who passed away a few months ago, trying to get at his haybox. Don't worry he had a pile of fresh hay in his area too, the grass was always just greener.
Black Rock Shooter AMV- Castle Walls
My lovely~
ITAP of a root in Mt. Fuji