Am I Just a Jealous Wife or….
Found this funny lmao ...... just a joke
Bhaijaan is Getting old Tho...!!
Emanuel is one sneaky little guy.
Who was at fault ??
The Day i can eat Cow meat anywhere in India Is the day I will accept my Country is secular and ill Accept what the Arunachalee wannabe bhaiya ji is saying in the video....
Going on another Reddit.
Virat Kohli is not happy with family restriction rule by BCCI.
My relationship is being bothered by an unavoidable third wheeler guy
People who have stopped going to temple, what made you stop?
Aavin has some great products. Why doesn't the government invest some on its growth?
My moment of Truth is almost here
Genuine concern on the drivers that we hire for travels. “Bata”
India without reservation in colleges
BJP functionary Vinoj P Selvam preemptively arrested to prevent him from participating in protest. Source in comments.
Truth be told
The 'GREAT'er Chennai Police
Heart aching for this hindu brother.
An Appeal published in a Urdu Newspaper in 1990 by a Kashmiri Hindu to Militants to get a safe passage to travel to Haridwar and be allowed to return back in order to perform last rites of his deceased father
I no longer have a wife, and today I realized I’m okay with it
North media person gets schooled on the Tamil rupee symbol controversy by journo Madhavan Narayanan
Is Religion More Important Than Indian Culture?
Student leader from JNU wants to start a Armed Terrorism against Indian Government