Does the feeling of ‘I’m doing it wrong’ ever go away?
Did your companion stay with you in the hospital?
My latest piece
How true is this ladies?
Wire wrappers!
Planning my Surgery but I have a lot of questions
Breaking a stall?
What were you unreasonably afraid of growing up?
Food tracking and calorie counting
Do you weave off the spool or do you cut what you need?
How much money would it take to clear up your situation, enough to give some breathing room so you could make a better go of it?
Which line colours look more neat and yummy
Boyfriend is mad that i am getting the gastric sleeve
I eat maybe 2-3 bags of corn nuts a day, any suggestions for healthier alternatives?
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
After losing weight I want change some things
Cycle issues
When did you start working out after gastric sleeve?
losing slowly + got scolded by my team
new clothes!
What would you do with an extra $15,000/month?
No Scale Watching?
Trevita full review
How long after surgery….