How do I blow dry to recreate the style I got in the salon?
How do I quit if my husband vapes and he doesn’t want to quit with me?
Any moms want to quit with me?
Jim Carrey on weed
10 dpo to 11 dpo AM and PM - are my lines indicative of a chemical? Nervous af
Gastro viruses worse with IBS?
Deep crack in thumb that won’t heal.
I used One N’ Only Colorfix on demipermanent dye and it did nothing. Why?
How to get past being so tired?
I almost shook my baby!!!
17 days in and I’m frustrated because I feel like the cravings will never go away.
Homeless stranger touched my cigarettes at the tip, should I throw them away?
Please tell me you see this vvvfl?! 8 DPO!
Is something wrong? Heavy Period then positive brand clear blue and easy @home positive??? Unknown dpo due to ‘period’
NYE quitters where you at??
Me and my daughters had these 8+weeks
7 DPO Am I going crazy and seeing things?
Any ideas?
26F and I need to quit.. foreal this time.
UPDATE 3: My boy has passed away.
First ever faint positive?? DPO 6?
I’m pretty sure this is eczema but it’s driving me crazy, especially at night.
9dpo, honestly just feeling hopeless. Pre mom brand
how long did you guys bleed after getting mirena??
Clear blue unknown dpo , am I going crazy