Where did you get married?
Go to central line spot
Best van Morrison later albums
Dosing and timing of TCI-TIVA for short cases?
Departmental Leaders: From a purely practical and economic standpoint is it worth it to have residents?
High spinal management?
subclavian lines
remifentanil induction
I'm late to the party but these look way too similar
TXA and a-fib
Question about MOCA
Oral Boards Week 1 (3/3-3-7)
Obese, Steep T-Burg, robotic ventilation strategies.
Labor and delivery with an IV
Is lumbar epidural LOR crispier than thoracic epidural LOR?
Anyone use local anaesthetic in their loss of resistance syringe for labour epidurals?
Neuromonitoring recipes?
How common is it for a seller to not budge on listing price for a home that has been on the market for months?
Is there a point combining local infiltration anesthesia with femoral triangle + iPACK for TKA?
[Discussion] Good mid-tier steel watch for professional environment?
When to give midazolam?
Tips/tricks for extubation?
My boyfriend got this couch and he LOVES it. It’s not my favorite. How do I design a living room around this so it looks more modern?
Mask for EGD
US-guided RFA for chronic pain