Added a 39” LG OLED Ultrawide to my setup today.
Who is this diva? Spotted this at Panorama Swap Meet
Thoughts on lowering the suspension?
Getting into the industry after getting out of the military
Is this normal?
Are Stanton 500 AL II good for scratching?
Just, how?
What is going on here?
Tarffs 2
Anyone else's MR2 get a lot of attention on the street?
Can’t back the trailer
When does backing finally click?
Do any of y'all have tmobile home internet for OTR? If so how's it working out for you?
Is it worth it to start trucking in California? Or would it be better to move to another state?
Thank the gods for yard dogs
Should I be worried?
Yall boys wild
Companies and dispatchers were probably harsh on these drivers to push through this
Snow storm Mona Utah I-15 south
I hate cali, but damn it's just too pretty sometimes
Been OTR for 6 years. It’s becoming harder & harder to climb in the rig to hit the road. Looking into local work.
I couldn't do this job if I can't game during down time
This container jockey drove drunk into stopped traffic at full speed last night, and killed 3 adults, a child, and an infant in Austin Texas, as well as injuring 15 others.
Is a 34” gonna be a good fit here?