A Cool Guide to Hangover Cures....
Not getting 50% XP boost
Great game but so little content coverage. I'm doing my part.
Standard issue socks with my standard issue cat :)
Darktide Performance Deep Dive & System Requirements (Developer update)
Well it's been just over a year since we first got this sweet bundle of love and i figured it was time to post an update of our time together ❤️
Shrimp tank maintenance was fun yesterday with this curious one around
Please enjoy this Rattay sunset over the hills outside Ledetchko
"huntsman is trash"
Should I sell some on-the-side stock investments to pay off my car super early?
Pantheon of Legend achieved! :D - 360 hours in the game so far.
Couch Co-op on PC
Just finished rewatching the LOTR trilogy and made a 4-part medley of the main theme songs. Check out the full version on my youtube channel. Hope you like it and wish you a happy new year! :D
Gimli and Legolas in Valinor
Living in Draynor Village during Trailblazer launch be like:
Finally got my first Cyclops kill. Made it back home with just over 30 seconds of atmosphere, and a tin foil thick layer of hull.
My Mandalorian on ultra graphics
NERD Calls
If scientists invented a teleportation system but the death rate was 1 in 5 million would you use it? Why or why not?
Me, after having a blast playing last night..
I’ve come to terms that Old School Runescape is the only MMO that keeps me occupied.
Duel of the Mandalorian- a mashup of the two best Star Wars themes
Halo ring. Me. Pen. 2020
Destiny 2 any good?
This is what heaven must be like