Share your opinions on Biophilia
Vespertine Assets – Promo CD
which song is commonly considered as björk's best song in your opinion?
Ako si myslite, ze by sa ludia zachovali, keby to je u nas?
Prague tram driver assaulting a family and telling them to get out of the tram because they're from Ukraine.
Dream Björk collaboration?
Chalan si vopchal psie hovno do vrecka
Slováci sú hlúpy národ
I get Vespertine now
Do your family members also hate Bjork song (find it overwhelming, annoying or etc)?
Weekly Björk Album Ratings – Post (Let’s Rank Her Discography!)
Ako som si vybavil dlhodobý pobyt v Rusku = peklo na Zemi (RANT)
Is this the actual core region?
Einar Örn: Asset to The Sugarcubes or hinderance?
Povinná vojenská služba pre ženy?
Nefunguje stránka ministerstva vnútra
Low effort painter meme
Kadamba Simmons: inspiration behind "Charlene"
Let’s see how many fans recognize this place
Favourite remix of Who Is It?
i bought a medulla cd and it came a hour ago, and to my suprise it features unknown songs?
Aký je váš názor na deti na svadbách?
Prieskum: podporili by ste členstvo Ukrajiny v EÚ a NATO?
Aký je nový trend medzi "nenávidičmi" USA?
Weekly Björk Album Ratings – First Up: Debut (Let’s Rank Her Discography!)
Huliak hneď po vymenovaní za ministra mení štátnych tajomníkov