How to fix this pouch?
blood & soil barbie goes off on peter thiel, BAP, trump and fantano
Sailor Moon and Berserk fans in shambles. Maybe Texas isn't such a bad place after all.
pre workout
Is Smoking No Longer Cool?
“Millennials have no culture of their own.” Okay, what’s this then?
It’s so amazing that this was the beginning of the end of Jordan Peterson
Boomer Dads - “he’s literally me”
gym motivation
the male urge to start a podcast
“As a person who studied-“ “As a person who works in-“
99% of Women Age 18-25 Have Never Asked Out A Man In Person
Am I bovvered?
Vibe shift: Masc Environmentalism
It's now become trite, but Trump and Musk have become each-others father and son.
I was posted on an "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" Facebook group.
youtube is nothing but a tool to funnel viewers onto 18-23 year old alternative womens onlyfans
Anna’s ongoing Twitter tantrum over Sam Seder on Jubilee
Quite possibly the worst thing a father could send text his child.
How it feels to be a test tube baby of a megalomaniac billionaire
get her on the pod