Well, here we go again
Can any of you CAs sympathize with me?
Tesla Safety Score Genuinely Raises My Blood Pressure
Condition update. Magnesium seemingly cured my gerd. See my previous post for details.
Oh boy
Backed up onto a wall, what do I do to fix this?
Tesla M3
I absolutely despise Oreos
Photos of your vacation are just not interesting
Horse racing should've been consigned to history a long time ago and I've no idea why it's still allowed
Email from my boss ‘encouraging’ our required team outing.
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
I live in an apartment and rely solely on super chargers.
Do most women hover over a public toilet seat?
RWD vs AWD differences
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
A golden Mount Rushmore monument with Trump's head on display at Mar-a-Lago
Does anybody actually sleep 8 hours a night in the US
Anyone know how to clean the ventilated seat holes k
Wondering if I need to go to the ER
What gaming "crime" you regularly do?
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
"tity more tity" killed me
DAE take 2 hours to get ready?