What’s your cover for your Sufjan playlist?
Patron trying to use the computer
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Subtle pride display help
happy sufjan guitar songs?
Pookie Lebron ass love letter
What am I missing?
Cazador cosplay
What's the craziest conspiracy theory you've ever heard?
MCR is a lot more active rn!
The End. or Dead!?
i made a poll for what the mcr online community thinks are the best songs, albums, etc.
What Sufjan opinion has you like this?
VIP - what are the crowds like?
AITA for Telling My Friend She Couldn’t Bring Her Kid to My “Child-Free” Birthday Dinner?
Replacing a damaged book
Do y'all think they'll ever tour in Arizona 😱😭
Rare choices and storyline ideas
a beginner’s mind is so insanely underrated
made a rom hack of pokemon fire red with gerard way as the protag
Can the mods please ban US political posts for now
Anyone know what happened?