Whoever said she looks like the beetlejuice shrunken head guy, I can’t unsee it. This was from today’s live, she was going to Costco and chose this outfit. 😭
Also, the food isn’t always hot. The ugly, exaggerated facial expressions are just for views/attention. 😘
This lady is insane! She’s the bully, Winter was a perfect example of that. They did not say a mean word to her when she decided to threaten and make fun of their “name.” Also, the Winter vid reply is now deleted 🤭 Ms. Say it with your chest.
The way I’m convinced they still see each other…
From todays live. She put on this unflattering (on her) babydoll dress and was so irritated people were saying it’s too short.
I get secondhand embarrassment when she says “say it with your chest” because no one is scared of this crackhead. She wants to be tough so bad.
Sharing too much on the internet once again. Yet she states she won’t sing online because “digital footprint” 🤡
Ahhh, she admits it. The middle finger coffee video was all for views. Taylor, get your wife off sm, she’s addicted to the attention and is now using your kids for likes and views.
Poopy break..
Annual filler appointment.
Can you tie em in a knot? Can you tie em in a bow?
Making violent threats online to ppl is insane. Everyone report this video.
She can never just accept a compliment or statement. She always has to make it about herself. Victim mentality 24/7.
Maggie’s Dad played in the NFL. Just wanted to share this interesting fact since she’s never mentioned it before.
The way she needs to get off the internet. Crying because she has imposter syndrome.
Crying about how Jen has to adopt the kids because they aren’t biologically hers… & when she said this… she said normal families (not same sex families) are privileged to not have to go through this process. Also why didn’t they do this as soon as they were born?
Awe, the lovers made up.
Digital footprint
Where is this post you speak of that has alternatives to raw feeding while bird flu is on the rise? You say scroll down, I did and see nothing. Can you pin the post? Am I missing something?
Bird flu, stopping raw.
Cannot be alone with her baby
This is from 5/2023. If this were today, she would’ve lost it. She would’ve cussed them out to no end.
Good lord. 😳