Please recommend roguelites where you actually execute different gameplay/strategies based on the luck of the run
Who here ruined this for me? I demand 50m in compensation
Do you still use Kazuha after owning Xilonen
why can't finish my run
Even if you don't want religion in schools, we still want the IRS in the churches!
My Ship's for each region (No order)
Does this sound like erra?
why do people get so upset about being "forced into pvp" in particular, when the entire rest of the game revolves around tolerating things you don't want to do?
My Sister in The Light, you literally cast magic spells!
does ANYBODY have the darkest dungeon TWO death's door bell sound?
Collector dead before he get a turn
Xilonen Taser Rotation
As a Raiden Mains It's seems were not talking enough about the Eternal Moon
Stars could not have aligned better than this! (Spoilers for the Burning town boss)
This community Really needs to understand that something being (allegedly) badly designed ≠ too difficult. Something badly designed can be much easyer than something that is well designed
The game is fun but I need 6v6 desperately
Well. I lost my first 50/50.
Poly Plague Doctor
Why don't the heroes jerk off at the campfire scene? That's what I do when I'm stressed out
Memory issues
Dick not working
What you see is what you get. I'm just a guy who loves balls!
How to solve the damage rush problem in dd2
Screw "best team comp" give me the absolute worst teams you can come up with
Day 1. In which game did Sonic have the best voice?