Just broke 30K user rank a few days ago AMA [Fluff]
[fluff] choose 3 to defend you the rest are trying to kill you
Holy [fluff] they actually exist!
[Fan-Made] Koneko
Aliens feel butthurt over nothing. Bloodshed, pandemonium, and fun follow.
Two friends travel the world, and one accidentally uncovers the secrets of a mega corporation. Now, he has to put a stop to their evil plans while saving his friend.
Girl is adopted by caring family in hard times. After a series of bonding moments between them, everybody outside dies.
Spirits, how do I get these two barnacle heads off my yard? I’m practicing my clarinet.
I'm moving to __________.
I wish for my own OST that would adapt to my current environment. Nobody else can hear it, only me.
[fluff] What will be the next sage boss?
Which Is the Best one to aim for first [Fluff]
[Fan-Made] What if ever baron stage had 10 extra levels, Totally balanced ideas
[Fluff] The best unit in alphabetical order Day 24: X
[fluff] xskull after explaining how greatly this unit benefits from their ultra form/ultra talents
I wish for 5 dollars.
This store doesn’t take cash, you must pay with ____
I wish for an alter ego called “80 bucks man”, where it’s just how I would act if I had 80 more dollars. I switch to it whenever I’m below 80 dollars.
[Fluff] The best unit in alphabetical order Day 17:Q
Yo, did you remember to take the ____ out of the oven?
About 5.5 abyss via HomDGCat
I've finally hit the [Fluff]ing magic number with no interesting UF in sight
I wish I was drinking right now (I'm driving)
I wish to have a happy birthday today!
I wish my two idiot next door neighbors would stop blowing bubbles and catching butterflies, I’m trying to practice my clarinet.