My honest review of Ohio after moving from New York
Social Security Collapsing in 30-60 days?
Preparing for deep recession
I’m embarrassed that Ohio put JD Vance on the national stage
Canceling my wedding because of late stage capitalism
How should women financially prepare for loss of rights/ freedoms?
Black spots in my pressure canner
Has anyone made a list of food to stock up on?
STOP THE MUSK COUP. Last minute protest in Dayton Ohio
What are you storing that others do not?
Here's what we're up against
Canning Water
Does anyone remember
Writing on perserves
Good vet for very large dogs?
Ohio politics summarized in a single image
What was before pressure canning?
shelters for women
Where to eat before Hamilton tomorrow?
UPDATE: Now Open for Lunch...11-9
Possible to re-can wild grape jelly?
My pictures of the city this week
Third Places in Dayton?
Best way to get from Paris to Beaune
Everything the Light Touches...