So done, So tired
He’s gonna REALLY snap soon
Caregiving to my brother with DMD & his new trach
My Journey with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (23M)
I hate myself and I want to drop dead
do PA programs take community college pre-req credits?
I feel like my life is very sad and literally meaningless.
Seeing only based and Tony rn, I actually like Tony better
on international women’s day?really?!
Weight lifting
I humbly take back saying funkely stole her youth they both look haggard beyond belief 😢
Scuse me!
Vlog - Discussion Post
Users who have DMD and use a hoyer lift or other “crane/lift” mechanisms, which harnesses work best for you?
How are we the same age
Tony is way better than Based
Josh’s temporary new handler
Who’s this meth head lookin dude that drove Josh to Cleveland earlier today
Boyfriend has MD
What is “too personal” for a PS?
business trip things
This subreddit is full of R3T4RDS
Hospital Arc.. was it even real?