Isaac Brock "WELL" super-cut
Some absurd [digital] collages I have done
[analog] collage. Just started doing collages. I’ve been having so much fun with this medium <3 !!
I hate it when you run out of room
Every dish my fiance "washes" looks like this.
Happy 311 Day to those that celebrate!
The selection I made when I got a new (old) car and I had no money replace the pretty awful CD player.
Indie Rock Show @Mosey’s
Opinion:Sterolithic deserves to be played more often during concerts.
which is ur favorite album?
Has anyone else noticed this?
Favorite 311 song endings
Hardcore Show @Mosey’s later this month
List of 311 Referencing Themselves
Reminder to the young: Every old laptop is a CD burner / player. Get them all day for 150 USD.
Collection so far
Found at goodwill for $35, good deal?
Cymbals on “Cosmic Connection”
Waxing Nostalgic
[YTP] Set Your Folds to Icecream
Pronunciation Question
Move to the two-piece????
My music soulmate must be RIP because my latest thrift haul was 100% on point!
Still new to collecting so there's not that many, but what vibe does my CD collection give off ?
What’s your deal breaker CD?