What is ‘Real’ love?
If everything is temporary and all good things come to an end, why do people get married? Wouldn’t that mean the relationship/marriage would eventually come to an end? (Given, it’s a healthy marriage)
Been a month since the breakup, it just hit me deeply that he’s fine with this decision. He’s happy with the decision he took. He’s forgotten all promises. Makes you really wonder whether the other person really loved you at all? Feels like it was his world and I was just living in it.
Is it normal to think of your exes from time to time?
Would this be called expecting too much?
What constitutes the bare minimum in a relationship?
What are the signs that a man is not mature enough for a real relationship?
Can a man madly be in love with you and still consider bare minimum actual effort?
Imagine: you're dying, and you can listen to only one last song. What would it be?
My friend had an interesting encounter on a matrimony website. The people I've shown this to are divided in their responses. What are your thoughts?
How do you resist eating a lot of food?
Could someone please explain this to me in simple language?
I wanna be childfree, but my wife wants kids, suggest me what to do.
What is it like to date an addict?
Which is better- Wall Street Journal or The NY Times?
What’s your favourite type of pen?
What did you want to be as a kid and what are you doing now?
What’s that one thing you can’t imagine life without?
Which song according to you shouldn’t exist?
My (28M) Ex (28F) returns after 5 years and a divorce. Things didn't end well first time, should I try again.
How do I [25F] get over the most perfect 4 year long relationship?
As a guy would you be okay with listening to the intimate moments your partner had with their ex?
Why did your SO break up with you?
Which dog breed do you love the most?
Which celeb always looks dead behind the eyes?