My mom hit 24k on natural disasters everyone
Screw zodiac signs, what's your favourite tube stock?
Oh waiter, more Ranked modes please!!
Do you guys think midas nuts liquid gold
Is it easy to spend $1500 in Fortnite?
You dirty rascals, you.
Some people
What's a skin you like but everyone has the wrong idea of why?
Vandalism on buses
WhAt dOeS mY ToP 15 SkINs SaY aBOuT mE?!?! :3
My little gargoyle is once again shielding me from the horrors of the bathtub “think twice before making this hasty decision, mother”
I absolutely love the crossbar ping
No Epic, this is not a replacement for trading.
Don't play roblox on March 18th.
what skin is this
Guys I downloaded Xeno wtff is this!!!!
Goddammit when are we gonna get these cars.
HOT TAKE this album cover sucks
How I feel after getting ip banned on all my acount’s for 3 days
Gimme lots of mems pls
Has anyone noticed that loads of people just push through the barriers on the underground now?
Women in London. Please be aware that oddball pickup artists like this are harassing and filming women without their permission and posting it on TikTok!
This might be the first time I saw a 27 kills person in a solo game
We got estrogen as a new collectable
Primal turned 4 years old today