Can you imagine being this stupid?
Looks like JeRK is looking for a rematch with Laura Loomer. Just in time for the JFK file release fiasco. Go for it Jess, we know how well that went the first time. 😼😼
Extremely shadow banned on IG, including her year long ban on live. Keep up the good work reporting her slides.
Anna Merlan spotlights RFK Jr “flip flop” stance on vaccines with honorable mention of gossip blogger Jessica Reed Kraus. Link to article below:
Laura Loomer addresses “insufferable cunt” Jessica Reed Kraus and Bindergate
Jessica Reed Kraus aka HouseInhabit declares herself the source on everything JFK and moon landing. And apparently is banned from IG Live for a year (probably for spray painting Kamala Harris posters outside the DNC)
Jessica Kraus, groomer and pedophile apologist, lover of MAGA, bigotry, racism, transphobia and blamer of female sexual assault victims, suddenly has a problem with "slurs"
Nice Jessikkka mention on QAA podcast
Look up JRK’s Facebook. Love and like all her anti-MAGA posts from pre-2020. Let’s remind her that she is now the moron she once abhorred.
Don’t forget to use offer code KKK for her earbuds to get 20% off and free shipping.
Substack about Jessica and the Epstein fiasco
Continuing to pivot content away from the shitshow in the WH, Jessikkka doubles down on the Obama “open marriage” gossip and strikes out at her favorite couple to troll: Harry and Meghan.
Jessica Reed Kraus aka HouseInhabit weighs in on the dismantling of the Dept of Education and how wonderful it will be for our children. Her music choice: Pink Floyd’s Brick In the Wall. I hate her so much.
Jessica Reed Kraus aka HouseInhabit is bothered about recent Substack articles written about her. It’s also clear she’s been lurking in the sub and seeing us making fun of her WH day pass. Stay bent Jess!
Facts in Five’s latest on Substack
Jessica Reed Kraus aka House inhabit tried to hide that she wrote she viewed child porn on her Substack article on March 31, 2022. I have a pdf of the original version for anyone investigating. Proof in screenshots
Why are we not surprised she won’t disclose the name of “person”behind orchestrating influencers for Trump propaganda
Proof that Jessica Reed Kraus uses her children as a human shield for political declaration that she herself was not willing to come out of the closet with.
If any of you talk to C girl on TikTok, please tell her not to talk to Jessica Reed Kraus aka Houseinhabit who wrote about watching child sex abuse material (CSAM) & CP on her Substack on March 31, 2022.
One of these things is not like the other …
After admitting she had a “day pass” to the WH (and we all know how well that went), JeRK pivots her ass back to True Crime.
Jessica couldn’t quite bring herself to answer the question when asked - If she had official press credentials. She cornered herself into admitting she only had a day pass to the WH.
Our friend, Houseinhorror, drops into to the Oversharing Podcast to give the deep dive on Bindergate: Jessica Reed Kraus public blunder as new WH “influencer” press pool and her fight with Laura Loomer.
Is it filler or over use of the IG Face Tune? Who’s that girl on the left? The one in the Colonel Sanders cosplay is JeRK.