When Oswald was asked by Will Fritz about the curtain rods story he told Buell Frazier, Oswald denied it unequivocally. He claimed that the only thing he brought to work on 11/22/63 was a “lunch sack.” Why did Oswald abandon his curtain rods story?
Is anyone else concerned that Americans, once they really understand Bitcoin, will recoil at its political implications? I think this is a huge risk factor for investors.
To me, the simplest, and probably correct, explanation for the claim that a Mauser was found on the 6th-floor of the TSBDB on 11/23:63 is that it was a misidentification of Oswald’s Carcano. Does anyone who believes it was actually a Mauser have a theory as what it was doing there?
What did Brennan see on November 22 in Dealey Plaza?
The Backyard photos, March 31, 1963? Or what about a week later?
How much more does BTC have to decline—it’s down 22% since December, as I’m sure every Dem member of Congress knows—before Trump’s enemies pounce. The stockpile has lost $5 billion in the last three months. If BTC falls below $80G who wants to be Trump’s press secretary?
Do you think Trump really understands crypto? If you could ask him any question you wanted to about the subject , what would you ask him?
Did the Secret Service really pressure Malcolm Perry to alter his opinion of Kennedy’s throat wound? Does anyone know where this claim comes from? It’s been made on this sub a number of times, but the source is never cited.
Are we about to see an onslaught against BTC, the stockpile and reserve from Dems and their allies in the media?
Do you guys still think btc is a scam?
Question for those more in the know about Bitcoin than I: Is Bitcoin necessarily hostile to government. Is it necessarily aligned with anarchism, anarcho-capitalism, crypto-anarchism, and other such terms that keep popping up in the Bitcoin literature I’ve been reading?
Officer Marrion Baker swears he did not encounter Lee Harvey Oswald in 2nd floor lunchroom. Changes his story later as the narrative regarding Oswald's whereabouts evolves.
Is there a consensus view among conspiracy theorists as to whether or not Oswald fired a weapon on 11/22/63 and/or if he owned the rifle found on the 6th floor of the TSBDB?
Could LHO have been mentally ill? His case worker at Youth House, Evelyn Strickman, characterized him as “teetering on the verge of serious emotional illness.” His official YH diagnosis was “personality pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive-aggressive tendencies.” Thoughts?
If there was a conspiracy, where did it originate? Who were the original conspirators? Any ideas?
I’m trying to understand how much of crypto a political movement as much as it is anything else? I’ve read in a number of books that is feature of anarcho-capitalism. Is that true? If so, why would Trump endorse it?
Was Oswald CIA?
Analysis Of JFK Head Shot. Does Kennedy’s Head Move Forward or Backward When He’s Hit? Do His Brains Blow Out Of The Front Or Back of His Head? Did the Shot Come From In Front Or Behind?
Can anyone say with certainty who the three tramps really were?
Does Anyone Have Any Thoughts As To What Oswald Was Trying To Communicate To The World With His Raised Fist Salute?
Who were the masterminds?
Since it’s long been established that Kennedy’s head moved forward, not backwards, when he was fatally shot (See frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film), why do conspiracy theorists keep saying the opposite?
What do people think: If Oswald had lived long enough to be tried in a court of law would he have been acquitted or convicted of killing Kennedy?
What do you think would have happened if Oswald stayed at the SBD