Marsh Jaumea?
Jewel of the desert getting really tall
A few questions for a few cuttings
Rose Apple seedlings
Rental came with composters
Not sure what I’m looking at
Getting rid of a big patch of stickers
What is this and is it healthy?
Is okay to have sex while being diagnosed with PCOS?
Is this guy a lost cause?
Give me all your PCOS tips! I want to create a master document of every little helpful thing we can come up with.
I have no idea what I’m doing
A PC had their Spicy Book Collection Stolen. Need 50 spicy fantasy novel names.
What would you do with this 1970s wood panel family room?
What if healing your body doesn't have to mean shrinking it?
Front door plant ideas
Pothos is acting weird no
Artist said I could lose my tattoo
Metformin dose
What’s in your book of shadows?
Feeling a bit defeated
Down 55 pounds!! My success story ❤️
I posted on the decor sub, but everyone said I had too many plants. LOL Curious to see what my plant people think? Is it too cluttered?