Scott Tripp was paid and never did the work he was paid for
Please watch out for Scott Tripp
Why is Loudoun County SO in The Dominican Republic searching for the girl?
When are they adding him?
Some Northern Virginia leaders say local economy is too dependent on federal government
My new favorite Disney character
Virginia contractor accused of taking money for work never done
I want to put this here because he has a Reston office
Scott Tripp owns over 20 fake companies
Holes in my new generic Concerta
Holes in some pills but not others
What the actual f
What row is the door plug in on the Boeing 737 MAX 9?
Lacey Fletcher *Starving girl melted into couch covered in feces, sores, and maggots" to plead
“Gluten free Italian kitchen” on Uber eats.
This roommate flyer posted on my campus
I'm not trying to make fun of this poor woman I actually need help responding to this awful post
Pissed and Shocked
Entitled roommates
What do you wish you knew before your first ever cruise?
We were broken into but nothing was taken, not even my new iMac
Maya talked about the pictures
Judge Carroll has such a good rapport with the jury.