Boomers staying mad.
Instagram models are creepy
Where to donate camping gear.
Amazing idea
Caravan of Clackamas County Sheriff, army vehicle, about 100 motorcycles with flags, ODOT, and Oregon City police headed on 205 towards I-5.
Is she supposed to look pretty?
I mean, you should still vote, but...
Keywords by trait to help buff up your resume
It has been 14 months and never opened. I think it was getting too much sun recently so have moved to semi shade.
Aliect Ass
TIL that in Idaho there is an anonymous "Secret Santa" that has for the last several years given away $500,000 per year in cash and gifts to people that do amazing things in the community around them.
Wow beautifull wedding photo,
So my wife and I are going on our honeymoon to Lincoln city in August and we are wondering how is it driving out of the airport to go to Lincoln city?
That's dangerous
Does anyone know what this is?
My 5yo child is enrolling in school and they say I can’t come and breastfeed him. I’m being discriminated against!
Goya in the Oval Office
Anyone else see a large object coming down on a parachute north of the city?
How to Make African Lasagna
Including a booger for good measure.
There’s chorin to be done
If you’re not baking hay, you’re not working
Inpatient - alcohol treatment
anxiety hangovers got me like
A throwback.
Felt like this belonged here
Daughter inheriting the love for acrobat from her father