i pronounced soldier as soul-dears to the whole school in my presentation :)
You are forced to gamble your entire lifesavings on this fight. Who do you bet on?
Favorite secondary characters in anime?
I am a student in an international school in China. AMA
Could they be friends? Also do you think the got sorted into the right houses?
What event changed your life?
What’s your favorite anime original?
Best role Colin Farrell every played
Fav Anime of all time?
Best waifu of all time?
Some hidden gems 10/10 anime?
What intro is this for you?
What are some wholesome romance anime?
Favorite red hair character?
what's your favorite representation of the strongest?
Romance Recommendations Featuring a Tomboy/Tomboyish Heroine by Genre
Harvey Specter was a cop before he became a lawyer
What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
I’m looking at you Andrew Tate
Favorite green haired character?
Best anime with a chill and relaxing vibe?
Do I look pretty feminine for a trans chick ?
Give me a random anime to watch. Go.
Suits LA Harvey
What is your favorite quote from a TV series?