Just got this for $100, how did I do?
The most useless crocodile that ever did live
Does Pimsleur teach natural Japanese
Every man I’ve been with disagrees with my diagnosis
What outdated slang do you still use unironically?
People born before the 1990s, what is your retirement plan?
Just finished Storm Front :0
Wait, so some robots, like Takahashi, arguably own...themselves? How is that supposed to work out? What does Takahashi do with the money he makes, and why would he need money anyways?
If aging were eradicated tomorrow, would overpopulation be a problem?
Thought's On This 2012 Remake of Total Recall.
Movies about two really smart characters try to outwit one another.
What's the smallest reason you stopped watching a show?
How much did Harry owe Kincaid?
Does targeting X=0 still target?
I found throwing knives in my front yard that were definitely not there last week
If you had the chance to rename yourself, what would be your name?
Favorite short lived themes?
Any ideas how to remove a head from a trash can?
A faster way to get through the wasteland. But it needs a name - thoughts?
Visiting Chicago and stopped by Saint Mary of the Angels Church
Actors Who Were Everywhere… Until They Weren’t
Fun commanders to play with displacer kitten?
People assume I barely speak Spanish because I’m black. How can I get around this?
Text from wife
Movies where literally NOTHING happens?