Elephants have religion
My cabinet of curiosities — someday if I ever move to a bigger home I’d like to display the objects properly with labels and spotlights
Sprite in Mexico is not recommended for child consumption
For the bagels
I love my boyfriend so much!
You guys remember Garfunkel and Oates?
Dispatches from a cubicle
i regret posting face online
what are your icks?
I have this thing where I have two big obsessions in life: being a man-hating feminist, and my beautiful husband 😍
in my next life pls god
Made pho last night, and mango sticky rice for dessert
what mental illnesses or health problems do you have that actively hamper you?
Always mentally hung up on wishing I was model-thin when I lack the discipline to achieve it
Found my new favorite crazy person at work today: 1976 write-in presidential candidate, General Magnifico
it would be very nice to experience having a perfect body and face for a day
My X-Rated porno dialogue / spoken word / non-music record collection.
Listening to Red Scare for the first time in 2019 made me vomit
Steamboat on the Mon - then/now.
Every angle of the “male loneliness” discourse pisses me off
I want to know what your favourite perfume is
homesick L posting, ama