Which service do you use to store photos? [serious]
Will you recommend the current show you're watching? If yes, what's the name of the show?
What is the dumbest reasoning you believed as a child?
My son is turning into pakka Punekar 🤣🤣🤣
Holi vibes: Colors, chaos… and a surprise ending!
What is your favourite drink?
First Shelfie [Skincare+bodycare+haircare]
Will the price of Nothing Phone 2a go down?
weddings going to the Dogs .. This is Haldi Ceremony?? In front of Family and Guests?
How Much Do Govt Employees Earn from Bribes? Need Real Insights
Interested in a career in the UN in international law
porcelean veneers in india
What self care habits have you developed as an adult?
Tell me anything better than this I'll wait
What is the beauty standard like in India?
What is the thing you find disgusting but others don't?
Has anyone actually tried using aloe gel from the plant itself?
A few restocks + new buys
My bathing essentials
Everything in one place almost / after seeing you guys I just can't control myself
Miniseries suggestions!
Movies where the city is the main character?
1 week on tret
My basics as 20 yr old doing an MBA
Simple moisturizer gave me a burning sensation on face