I am begging y’all to talk to more people in the real world.
Was anyone else shocked to find out Arin moved to Oregon?
Is there a name where everyone you’ve met with it pissed you off?
Are there any good songs for grieving? And how do you deal with grief
If you need to get an amputation from the hips down, do they make attachable prosthetic genitals?
Your spouse is offered 1 million dollars if they have sex with someone else. Do you tell them to take the offer?
What kind of fetish do you have that you're afraid people will find out about?
What was something you swore to hate forever, then did and actually enjoy it now?
my stupid fucking cello won't stay when I try to push the pegs in place
What should I name my sweet boy! Something cute but human!
what does mine say about me
What does my fridge say about me? 😂
Is my cat fat? :(
Need a name for my little big dude. 4 mos old. I love human strong, regal names
Please help with a name suggestion for this little girl! My other cats name is Potato Salad so maybe some kind of food/ingredient/etc.
My hair goes like this when I shampoo and condition it. What do I do to make it normal.
Name my cat. It’s been 3 weeks and I still have no name. She’s grumpy and hisses a lot. I like the idea of a Christmas name. She’s tiny too
Alright- I have to take a turn at this
Tell me about myself
How can I get myself into foster care as a 14 year old
What does my fridge say about me?
Re entering care
Any advice on "practical foods" for people who can't eat while stressed?
Stop with the monitoring apps PLEASE. (Rant)