People who get offended at being called "ma'am"or "sir" because it makes them "feel old."
Ok, so which unreleased song you listening to right now?
wigga who is passing as a normal white
When people pretend to be confused by Fahrenheit or the MM/DD/YY date system
Saw this on TikTok, are these tragedeighs?
Things that are NOT acronyms
Where do I get the dorm access stickers?
Can someone please help me with my homework?
Redditers who write a title and then write "pretty much the title" in the body
People who eat in TikToks
Whats a character’s nickname in the fandom that you can’t stand?
When people don't take the door I'm holding open for them and just walk through
Don’t know if this has already been done on here but let’s go 💕
Got my first hate comment!
When people stop me in public to ask how long it took to do my hair
What’s your favourite cover song by Lana?
What ethnicity usually have small ears and why.
AITA For Marrying Caleb Just Because I Wanted To Be A Vampire?
24F Latina/Whitty/420Friendly/Sweetheart
Tell me your favorite unreleased Lana song!
Tell me your favorite video game!
You can only listen to 5 Lana songs for the rest of your life, what are you choosing?
Which Lana song is this for you?
Prettiest sounding LDR song?
Why are people who are half black half white considered black but not white?
Chronically slept on song thats ur fav?