Does anyone have experience with hard drugs making you more confident and just changing your personality?
What are some common korean mannerisms you find interesting?
Do upper class americans go to walmart in your personal experience? How is it seen?
Opium dens should be legalized and normalized and set up across America like the 1800s and 1900s. Thoughts?
Reddit is so delusional and obsessed with "cutting off your family" and ending relationships as a solution to everything.
Netizens appalled by MBN's new K-Pop audition program 'Under 15', calling it 'child abuse'
How have you been affected by the cuts from the Trump administration?
I was part of a school gang and bullied, beat up, stole from, and raped and caused someone's suicide.
Why is r/askreddit so full of posts asking about sex and obnoxious narcissistic posts?
What’s the difference between “heating” and “heating up”?
Opium dens should be legalized and normalized and set up across America like the 1800s and 1900s.
People who shower for 30+ minutes, wth you be doing in there?
What's your story of finding out someone you knew did drugs that didn't expect at all?
What is the most out of touch thing you've heard a rich person say or do?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Flying should become more expensive, closed off, and generally unacessible to the masses. The barrier to flying should increase.
Cmv: Real suicide numbers in korea and Japan are the same as the west and are overblown due to access to drugs in the West.
Real suicide numbers in korea and Japan are the same as the west and are overblown due to access to drugs in the West.
When your future kids/grandkids/greatgrand kids ask you what the Trumpian era was like (years of Trumps relevancy), what will you tell them?
What is the most decadent/sinful/deprived lifestyle and person you've met (Drugs/spending/escorts//etc)?
What was your gateway into drugs?
Americans, in your personal experience, is it true that white people TEND (not all obviously) to be very picky in eating sushi?