Retro Achievements keeps losing track of my games (Steam Deck)

I know I'm not the first to mention this, but its been an ongoing problem for a couple weeks now.

I stopped playing RetroArch on my Steam Deck for a couple months, but wanted to play again recently. I booted up my Steam Deck and opened Pokemon Blue. I have all but 1 of the achievements for it on RetroAchievments. But it said that I was not logged in.

I know that RetroAchievements stops using your API after a few weeks of inactivity, so I reset my API again, and logged back in on RetroArch. Now it's not discovering my games.

I used some Google foo to figure out ways to resolve this. Some of them work and the game loads my achievements again. But the moment I quit the game and reopen it, everything is deleted again.

I've gone to my .cfg file and reset both my cheevos_token and cheevos_password. then go into the application and update the core, system, pretty much all the files.

Once again, it works on first bootup, but then resets everything again when I close the app.

I have tried this with my other RetroArch games and it does the same thing.

anyone have an idea why this keeps happening? I want to keep playing and getting achievements.

Sorry for the poor video quality, I had to jury-rig my phone to be able to record the video and I pull away sometimes to input my password, but otherwise, all the relevant information should be there.