Retro Achievements keeps losing track of my games (Steam Deck)
Men who are inexperienced in dating, how did you get experience?
Dear INFJs, can you behave as extroverts?
What according to you is the worst emotion to feel as a man?
What's something you find weirdly attractive?
You are what you eat . What are you atm?
Is it midnight or later where your at? Are you still on reddit?
You are worth more than the approval of others
How do you keep yourself motivated to show up to the gym?
INFJ and nerds don’t have a specific look, I’m tired of the stereotypes
What could be scary if it was 10 times bigger than its normal size?
What do men want women to talk to them about?
I fell in love with an INTP, but she's obsessed with another person who doesn't correspond her.
Scenario: Girl Talk
Who's winning between these two?
What's a trait do you like about another personality you don't normally get along with?
Why do y'all hate Kana so much
To all the players that missed out...
Anyone else used to think gardevoir was a grass type?
To all fellow redditors here, when did you got your first kiss?
What is your MBTI and what are your thoughts on harmless trolling?
Facial hair or clean shaven?
What does your MBTI stand for (wrong answers only).
INFJ & Asexual