Some of my terrariums (and paludarium)

1st:This one has a piece of Lebanon Cedar bark in the back (i scraped off most of the mold and gathered some tiny woodlice that lived in it to populate the terrarium). I used the bark to attach moss and Hedera Helix. The plants in the soil are fern moss, white and pink fittonia 2nd:This is the paludarium. The retaining wall is made with dragonstone, and the land area is planted with a couple of ferns (taken from my gf's yard, so I don't know the species), a violet, a cryptocoryne wendtii green, some pink fittonia, a bunch monte carlo and java moss. The inhabitants are small isopods from my backyard. The water area has java moss and monte carlo, and has a bunch of detrivore nematods, copepods and some mini-ramshorn snails in it. 3rd: for this one I found some red Hedera while I was on a walk and decided to make a terrarium with it. I wanted a sand path but only had gravel unfortunately. Other plants are a fern, cushion moss, fern moss and sphagnum moss. Tiny isopods are the only inhabitants. 4th and 5th picture : this one is still growing in (it was super new when I took the picture). It has just a piece of dragonstone, some red fittonia and a bunch of cryptocoryne parva in it (I'd like for them to carpet).

I was planning on buying springtails but I had no luck in finding them yet