How does one treat vorticella?
Whisker shrimp in a 3.5 gal?
Malaysian Trumpet snail in my saltwater aquarium
Fishless reef tank
Are those pest polyps on my zoa?
What do you guys think about my dads tank?
Want some small fish (not Betta) for a 20L planted tank with shrimp?
Spontaneous generation?
What is this on my snail guys?
Some of my terrariums (and paludarium)
Sexy shrimp update: trying to raise the larvae
Most corals closed up
My pompom crab released larvae
Better picture of the pest on my zoa
If all your tanks fit on one table, is it really too many?
Good parameters to ad shrimp?
Cryptocoryne ciliata experiment
What can I do with this?
her babyes are 1 WEEK old and she is pregnant AGAIN
Am I Wrong For Feeding My Shrimp Dead Fish?
Exotic pet shrimp that aren’t the typical ghost, neocaridina, caridina and sulawesi?
Nerites vs Malaysian Trumpet Snails - Which snails to pick?
Loving the look of Macroalgae! Why aren't there more macroalgae saltwater tanks?
Macroalgae tank 2.0 hehe
What is this in my Aquarium?