Favorite Damon Season?
TVD posts/comments that make you react like this:
Day 1. Redeemable and is redeemed.
Have at it y’all!
What do you guys think of Damon not forgiving Lily on her death bed? What do you think?
What do you guys think of Damon not forgiving Lily on her death bed?
Bonbon wins by a landslide for ‘deserved better’! Who are we glad they died?
Brave or stupid? Or both. And why do you think so?
she was so brave
the choice is yours 🖤 which brothers do you pick
the choice is yours 🖤
Who’s your pick?
Say something nice about Damon
those types of posts have been taking over the sub lately
Why does everybody hate Elena so much?
Name a character no one can make you LOVE
What characters you wish had a scene together
Say something nice about Jeremy.
Favorite one-off character?
Do people not understand Klaus?!
Do You Think You Could Handle Being a TVD Vampire?
Which Original sibling had more aura?
Which of these male characters has THE biggest aura
Most underrated?,Most likable?, and Overall favorite?
She’s got a point