Now I know why no one uses Ditto
Deck suggestions for the raid?
Put this in and give me a reason to play rush
Why is this not used in more exodia decks?
Me when I guess correctly and destroy my opponent's negate attack in rush duel
Can we pleeease remove this? :3
What decks would become tier 0/1 with their support
En efecto.... faltan más árboles 🧐
I call this: No Cards Allowed
Why can't I use effect veiler here
Are either of these cards worth putting a predafiles deck?
Que hago?
As of now there is only 1 deck in top 100 that is not using an archieve skill. Has there ever been a more dominant deck than Gaia in DL history?
Whats one skin you want but can never get?
Make your case here! Which is the worse meta and why?
I don't really like or want to clash with gaia deck in pvp
how many lions could brawlers kill? (irl)
Which deck here is fun and easy to play?
hold up, there's no world's invite for rank 1 Goha Cup... they expect people to tryhard a Gaia sackfest... for cosmetics?
Gaia players hate this deck
Don't ruin the game because you're mad
Which do I pick? I like both equally.
A few weeks its been in ranked. Your opinion?
How in gods name do people have 9999 Gems
I hate this mission so much, how tf do you even do this with a monster with like, zero atk?